Every stop motion animation in this series was created for Instagram Drawloween challenges over the years. Usually I start out trying to make an animation a day and as the days wear on I burn out and my ideas become too complex to complete in a day. The process involves building and finding props, taking shots, compiling the shots digitally, creating voice overs or music scores, and finally exporting the file. After all that is done, the last step is sharing it with the audience.
"Korobushka" is a magic box that plays for you whenever you ask it to, and makes you happy. Set design and music score by Margarita Brosova.
"Ha Ha Ha" is a excerpt from a Russian children's book I used to read to my baby everyday. This quote was mine and his favorite because of the "Ha Ha Ha". Illustration and paper puppet by Margarita Brosova. Voice over by Margarita Brosova. Excerpt from The Chick by Korney Chukovskii.
"Sherlock Holmes and the Death Card" is all about where chauvenism can get you, even if you are clever like Sherlock Holmes. Set design and doll casting by Margarita Brosova. Script by Margarita Brosova. Voice over by Margarita Brosova. Piano by Tony Rosano.
"Demo" is all the reasons why you might want to become a witch. As a mom of a toddler during the pandemic finding toilets became a problem, so I really wish I had the power to conjure up a toilet. Also, sitting was highly desirable when pregnant and when with a small baby, so conjuring chairs would be useful. Finally, finding the time for a bath was a struggle as the mother of a small child, so maybe if I could take one while he played in a forest or something would have been useful. So that's what this is about...Set design by Margarita Brosova. Doll casting by Margarita Brosova. Sound over by Margarita Brosova. Piano by Tony Rosano.
"Love" is about love. Sculptures by Tony Rosano. Music by Sam Cooke "You Send Me".
"Catacombs" is all about how I imagined the ancient French catacombs were built, looks fun. Set designed and built by Margarita Brosova. Piano by Tony Rosano.
"The Summoning" is how I imagine a summoning, looks fun. Set design and character casting by Margarita Brosova. Song "Bonehead" by Naked City from one of the craziest horror movies "Funny Games" 1997 (not the US remake from 2007).
"Sea Voyage" is all about a ship being chased by a Kraken Monster! Ship, waves and Kraken Monster puppet by Margarita Brosova. Music written and played by Margarita Brosova.
"Happy Birthday" is self explanatory. It's your birthday, your parents give you a two headed dog as a present. It tries to eat you, you run from it, but it is stronger and faster and you die, all while a creepy clown your parents hired sings you the birthday song. Lovely. Puppets by Margarita Brosova. Song recording by YouTube user Yu Ueda "Happy Birthday Song (Creepy)".
"Haunted Laboratory" is about a spooky octopus that lives in the laboratory and creeps you out when you are there. Set designed and built by Margarita Brosova. Music score by Margarita Brosova.
"Candelabra" is about a spooky night. You were afraid of the dark so you lit up some candles to find solace in the light. But something is strange about these candles. In the corner of your eye use see some movement. Maybe you're just tripping out, you question yourself. Suddenly the candles come to life, slithering like snakes towards you and attack your eye ball holes and your mouth hole and you die. Paper design, drawing and construction by Margarita Brosova. Voice over by Margarita Brosova.
"Flight" is all about a creature that builds itself from doll parts, flies around and then dismantles itself. It was hard to have the self-assembly and dismantling concepts come across in a stop motion animation in just one day. I would have to spend many days on taking stills to make the transition smoother and palatable for the viewer. Sometimes the stories are like choppy children, still learning things and not doing them quite right, but because it is my choppy child I'm still going to share it on my website. Set design and character casting by Margarita Brosova. Sculpture by Tony Rosano. Music by Margarita Brosova.
"Battle" is the chaotic fight between the artistic endeavors of the parent and the toys of a toddler littering the living space. Scultpture by Tony Rosano. Doll Casting by Margarita Brosova. Voice over by Dinosaur.
"Vampire Baby" is a baby vampire that woke up from its nap and puked up some blood. Props, music score and voice over done by Margarita Brosova.